🌼 RSU Speech Contest 2024: Let’s go green for our future! 🌼
Brief Rules
🍀 Eligibility
All contestants must be a current full-time undergraduate student at Rangsit University.
🍀 Submission Details
🔹Preliminary Screening Round: Scripted Presentation
All applicants will have to submit a 2-3-minute video clip of their speech delivery on the topic given. Only the top 10 speakers will be selected to the First Round (on stage).
Details of the video:
1. record yourself of 2-3-minute speech delivery on the topic:
“How green are you?”
2. show your actions while recording (No voice-over recording)
3. must begin with a “title screen” that includes
A. The title of your video
B. Student’s name, student ID, student’s faculty
4. must name your video “Name-surname” in English
5. must upload your VDO on YouTube (change video privacy settings to “Unlisted”)
* Click here to learn how to change video privacy settings
🔹 First Round: Scripted Presentation
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 10 selected finalists will have to get up on stage in front of a panel of judges at Auditorium, Building 11, Room 101. 5 winners will be chosen and receive awards at the event.
Within 5 minutes given and along with PPT slides, the contestant delivers a presentation based on his/her prepared script on the topic:
“How can governments and companies help create green economy?”
The timing of the speech is announced as follows:
– 1st announcement: After 4.30 minutes
– 2nd announcement: After 5 minutes
– 3rd announcement: After 5.30 minutes
Penalties are counted when the contestant speaks undertime or overtime. And after this round, 5 best speakers will be selected to the final round.
🔹Final Round: Impromptu Speech
Within 2 minutes given, each finalist gives an impromptu speech based on keywords given. The contestant is allowed 2 minutes to prepare before beginning his/her 2-minute speech. The timing of the speech is announced as follows:
– 1st announcement: After 1.30 minutes
– 2nd announcement: After 2 minutes
– 3rd announcement: After 2.30 minutes
Penalties are counted when the contestant speaks undertime or overtime.
🍀 Criteria for judgment
✔️ Content (theme, organization, delivery of ideas)
✔️ Presentation techniques (voice, non-verbal language, on-stage performance)
✔️ English language performance (accuracy in using vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation)
✔️ Visual accompaniment
🍀 Prizes:
1. The winner and the four runners-up will be awarded cash prizes and e-certificates of achievement:
The winner – ฿7,000
First runner-up – ฿5,000
Second runner-up – ฿4,000
Two consolation prizes – ฿2,000
Popular vote prize – ฿1,000
2. All shortlisted participants will receive an e-certificate of participation.
Failure to comply to the instructions will result in being disqualified and the judges’ decision is final.
🍀 Important dates:
1. Contest application and VDO submission deadline: January 15 – February 16, 2024
2. VDO assessment: February 19-26,2024
3. VDO result announcement:Friday, March 1, 2024, on RSUIP Web Page https://www.rsuip.org/
4. On-stage contest: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Auditorium, Room 11-101, 9:00 – 12:00.